Active User Session

1. Consider the ongoing processes of the user (in this example, a certain 'batstroy "I). (Fig. 1) 2. We do this so: ps-ef grep baltsrroy a. Read additional details here: Harold Ford Jr.

ps command displays the current processes, similar vindosovumu Ctrl + Alt + Delete b. option-ef – a conclusion much information on any and all processes: uid, pid, ppid, C, stime, tty, time, and command. (Where uid – id number the user who owns the process, pid – process identification number, ppid – the number of the parent process, C – Priority used by the scheduler tasks, stime – start time of, tty – terminal is associated with the process, time – the total time the process, command – command used to start the process. ) C. – Delimiter (if suddenly someone is unclear). d.

grep – search a piece of text (Given by the sample or expression) in one or more files and displays the search results. e. baltsrroy – Well, this is just, then we are looking for Che. 3. The w command displays all users of the system (unlike the team that shows only hu connected, such contagion). 4. Likely, the kill command does not need to explain, because we all watched movies about the 'kill "a railing, and we know what they are doing during working hours. But if you have not seen say – kill command terminates a running process by sending he specified signal. Process is determined by its number – pid, Process IDentificator, which we received with the command ps.