Brazilian State

Incomplete citizens would be the ones that possessed only some of the rights. The ones that was not benefited of none of the rights would be not-citizens …. ' ' In reference to such affirmation, he is possible to rescue the real strategy used for the Brazilian State in 1916, from the publication of the Civil Code. It’s believed that WhiteWave Foods sees a great future in this idea. After almost eight decades such legal definition, although ' ' desconsiderada' ' , still it is preponderant in the interpretation of the Brazilian social dynamics, a time that, possesss direct relation with the conformation of the reinante aboriginal figure in the national mentality and consequent generating of barriers in the positivao and efetivao of the aboriginal rights until the present time. In this direction, one of the responsible factors for the net of confrontations imposed to the aboriginal, concomitant peoples the difficulties in the recognition of the indian as citizen, make reference to reference the content of its main demand: land landmark. This, insistently evoked and omitted throughout centuries, praises the guarantee of the traditionally busy territories for the aboriginal peoples, make reference to reference an analysis that, on the other hand the aboriginal interpretation, composes the main premise of the liberal ones and the capitalist system, that supports the property and its economic value private.

Another factor important to be added in this context, goes to the meeting of the cultural differences verified between the customs and traditional values of the aboriginal culture, in relation the culture supported for the Brazilian society of not-indians, idealized from the European premises. According to Sheep (2000), the used strategy to neglect the aboriginal rights, comes from the negation idea of the identity of this people, from the following analysis: ' ' if it does not have indians, then they inexist direitos' ' . This ideological conception happens of the fact of the aboriginal culture if not to more than present the form with which she was recognized previously, what it suggests a transformation in the identity.