Special attention was given in April of the development in the gold market. Because after a period of continuously rising prices, it fell suddenly under $ 1400 per Troy ounce of gold for the first time. Currently he lies again about it (link: #). The new rate cut by the European Central Bank earlier this month supporting the price of gold, and it seems as if the central banks were in a devaluation. The weakness of the euro affect the gold price positive.
However divided opinions on the further development of price of the precious yellow metal. Many experts expect however, that gold is significantly expensive if the central banks printing more and more money and thus driving inflation. Gold would act in this context as a safe haven for capital preservation. Real assets such as gold are quickly Konzern. Central banks and investors see an alternative currency in gold. And the right: who would like to sprinkle its widest, is well advised to buy gold. It comes as a painful side effect Financial crisis to soaring inflation, the gold plant could be a key financial lifeline to get own wealth without dramatic losses due to a possible crisis. That gold remains a safe haven to the investors of the Fund number Canada only confirm trust gold.
While the gold price moved over the years from one high to the next, many investors not invested this in the wake of the seemingly stop large parts of their assets in gold bullion never-ending upward trend. What is true for gold itself, has spread also on the opportunities, associated with a direct stake in a gold mine. Apparently, many consultants understand that it can be quite reasonable to invest by gold, where the value creation chain is formed in addition to the real estate “, says Canada gold trust’s Managing Director Peter Prasch.