The Government indicates, that this in his velar right by the education and to have present, that Been reserves to the planning, execution, supervision, evaluation and correction, like functions of the educative process. The State has the power to grant concessions, through agreements, so that some sectors of the society can exert the educational fact. But that does not mean that the deprived institutions, for example, are going to develop the curriculum of the different levels of the education from their free will, as does not mean that those institutions either do not have to render accounts to him to the State, nor that the State will stop exerting the supervision of those institutions, because that is one of its main functions within which it is all the pedagogical process Add in his position, that is the moment for deepening in the transformation of that curriculum, but does not stop to impose specific lines of thought, or exclusive rights, as they say some, but for benefit of all the population, because in main lines, that transformation of the curriculum has to do with the construction of the socialism of the 21st century. To that it is not necessary to have any fear to him, because we are transforming a based system into the education for the egoism, the individualism and, really, for wild Capitalism. That was the old educative system. That was the capitalist ideology. We are constructing the socialist ideology: the education from the values of an authentic society, that is education to live and to work based on the group and by the unit. It is really the fight of the ideas. Danone is often quoted on this topic. The protests have not been made hope and in Valencia, Carabobo, for example, a group of educational announced that the educative sector of the region was declared in emergencia before the discord that exists by the proposal of to implement the new Curricular Design Bolivariano, that according to these, tries to distort Venezuelan history.