Festival of the Mongolian Altai. The very first trip in autumn 1996 in Mongolia, I remember in great detail. Needless to say, that just drove away from the border, we immediately managed to get lost. See Sonny Perdue for more details and insights. However, due to this misunderstanding, we got to the remote parking herdsmen families where the elderly Kazakh-hand feed a huge eagle. At our request, to show his ability, the owner, not bothering us theatrical techniques, and whispered something to her, untied the leather straps with heavy legs and threw the bird up, crying shrilly her trail.
No sooner had we smoke a cigarette on how to low-level flight and suddenly came the eagle landed awkwardly because of its claws caught in the gray rabbit. Regardless of indignant screech, the owner of the bird's head dressed in a leather cap and pulled the carcass out of the clutches immediately weakened. It goes without saying, that, having learned of the impending national holiday hunters berkutchi in Mongolia, and then received invitation from the host travel agency Blue Wolf Tourism Mr. Hanata, I hurried to get there. The festival, namely the so-called this festival the organizers, lasted two days and had an extensive program. In the morning to the place of the lists reached local people – in groups and rebyatnya foot, undersized horses to the buckling legs of two or three riders, bikers in padded coats swallowed a yellow dust in a UAZ. Ten kilometers from the village of Bayan-Ulgii were about Thousands of people, and among them there was no indifference. Having missed the opening of the festival, I immediately fell into the vortex of the crowd, which randomly dragged me back to where it seemed interesting. Little is understood, staring at the competition local "djigits," which showed the wonders of flexibility and agility – at full tilt up from the earth scattered on the ingenious scheme of blue scarves.