Plaia Rioja

Mendoza (Spanish Mendoza) – city in Argentina, the capital of the province of Mendoza. The city is located in the northern provinces on the eastern slope of the Andes. According to the 2001 census the city population was 111 thousand inhabitants and a population agglomeration – 849 thousand residents, making it the fourth largest in Argentina. Passes through the town the main road connecting Argentina and Chile, also frequented by tourists are heading for the Andes (in particular for the ascent on Aconcagua – the highest peak of them). Near the town also has many winter ski resorts. The city is an important center of historical tourism. The main export kinds of economic activity the city is wine and olive oil. February 22, 1561 story in these places came Pedro del Castillo, and raised them above the Spanish flag.

March 2, he founded a new city, which he called Ciudad de Mendoza del Valle Nuevo de la Rioja (Spanish Ciudad de Mendoza del Nuevo Valle de La Rioja – Mendoza City in the new Valley of La Rioja. March 28, 1562 not far from the only city to get educated reward Juan Hufru founded another one. The reason for the base of Mendoza was the need to establish a permanent parking on the trade route across the Andes, who went from the Rio de la Plata to Santiago de Chile. The city became a place of rest and wintering traders, so in colonial times was very important. Some historians believe that Mendoza was the second largest city in the country at the time of the base of the viceroyalty of Rio de Plata, and before the end of the XVIII century. From the base and over 225 years of Mendoza was part of the Captaincy General of Chile in the province of Cuyo. 1776 province of Cuyo was attached to the back of the viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plaia.