River Paraguau

Therefore, he was consecrated and since 1971 member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters became and in 1975 it assumed the direction of the National Institute of the Book. Faleceu in 13 of August of 1999 in result of a prostate cancer and left a workmanship together riqussima if detaching other writers of reputation of Brazilian literature. To know the workmanship Gravel and to understand some excellent aspects of this important historical romance are the intention of this article that it aims at to go deep the question of the identity of the man of them you cultivate with respect to its sociocultural relation and politics. Initially a summary of the workmanship in study will be made. GRAVEL: A HISTORY OF FIGHT FOR the SURVIVAL the romance already is initiated with a common scene in that region. A man died it is brought by the friends after plus one day of work weighed you cultivate in them.

It rained very and in headboards of the River Paraguau everything was flooded, happened so fast whirlwind d? water that the men had been pegos of surprise and the unfortunate person that was being loaded did not obtain to save itself. In the front, it comes the old Justino that of a the news to the Sprung from the same father and mother Colonel of whom plus one he was died dragged for waters. It is important make reference to reference the fact of that the deceased ‘ ‘ Raymond, that one frente’ ‘ (Gravel, p.9, 1989) he was not known not even for the last name, more only the first name and for the exerted work, being removed of it the existence condition while citizen. To the Colonel, everything belonged and for it everything to it this age consequncia of the work for which they were paid.