Six practice started decades System Alliance and its predecessor organizations many of today’s established IT standards in the forwarding area crucial have shaped the cooperation for general cargo. The shipping network taking a further step to set future trends with a case study on the use of QR codes. Niederaula/Munich, June 16, 2013 – in the project system Alliance wants to win practical insights from the use of 2D codes. Then, on this basis, the network intends to examine whether it gradually introduces QR processes in the entire cooperation. Compared with the now-standard bar code, the square QR-code can absorb a much greater density of information. For the forwarding processes is attractive, that the code already allows for a direct interface control at the shipper.
Broadcast data can be collected directly when you pick up and transferred to a transport management system. The acquired packages are immediately with the Forwarding order matched. Perspective considered is even conceivable that in the future already scan of the takeover raises a notification of sent to the receiver. In addition, a QR-code could include also goods accompanying documentation such as hazardous material information according to the ADR guidelines or the delivery note. In addition, the encoding provides the option to send recipient information. Can be reference, order or batch numbers, but also hints to the handling and the flow of goods and information for controlling supply of the receiving company. Verified efficiency potential the potential of two-dimensional encoding to test case study, System Alliance has started in the first quarter of 2013 with a case study.
While experts of cooperation discussed benefits this procedure first workshops with their customers. Both senders and recipients were mostly impressed by the possibilities they offer. In may, a team of IT -, process – and sales experts started the Partners with the implementation and supervision of the project study on the use of QR codes.