Manipulated by whom or? those who? The best friend ads and advertising for the film, tv, the press, radio, magazines and internet. All an excellent strategy for bombarding us by eye, mouth and nose about what we should buy, eat or use. Now you see why it is so difficult to be a vegetarian? Who can be against this direct and constant bombardment. Question you go to a doctor and tell him that he wants to leave the meat, nooooo, don’t do it, because he is also a victim of the system and can not recommend what is unknown or does not practice. This is leaving you alone afloat on their own reading, observing and analyzing that decisions taken if it wants to live with health, harmony and in control. Search about vegetarianism, vegan, macrobiotic, Ayurveda, crudivora. Read why there are countries who eat little meat and cancer incidence is lowest, read about live food as opposed to a piece of meat that begins its process of rot immediately dies the animal.
Search the internet why maintain farms of animals accelerate global warming. Read how countries such as India, china, Japan are the key to a healthy and natural lifestyle-based remedies with herbs ancient healers, meditation, exercise, acupuncture, music therapy and massages. Watch videos about animal cruelty, slaughter at farms, cruel and ruthless dealing with chickens, ducks, cows, pigs and poor hygiene in the process of milking cows with infected udders, markets painting meat for quick sale, etc. Everything is written and accessible to you although few are those who decide to go in their search. I went out and I could take my mask which put us since we are born, but this mask has a price, price sympathize and live animal pain firsthand, the price of ceasing the culinary pleasure for the healthy, the price change eating habits by new food without meat, the price of accepting the commitment of help which is submergedill and endrogado in the system the price of respect for our own ethics and health leaving in peace for the new era the animal world. Live vegetarianism! Madelen is an expert in vegetarian recipes original author and source of the article.