Co-med Offers Top Offers In The New Prospectus Format And Landing Page In

Regularly special offers on promotional website Linden Germany’s largest group of medical specialty stores presented for the first time his promotional products in a new format. The dealer network in cooperation would put with the issue 2 of the advertising prospectus co-med news”, four times, in a total of 528 copies appearing annually as a supplement in the German medical journal, with its brand suppliers with a DIN A1 format new accents. “Advantage of this folding brochure, which in this form so far in the market segment of medical devices/technology” for the first time used, is an increased attention effect. “Under the motto so money goes!” especially high-quality medical equipment and capital goods can be clearly and attractively presented. To Ronald Knorre, dealer and Chairman of the Federated group: About this approach we are pursuing a stronger product communication deliberately.

We promise us an even better perception on our action range, where we as a result our central purchasing not only very interesting benefit medical practice, but also with our qualified technical advice to the side.” With the release date of the innovative brochure advertising (26.04.13), also a new promotional website is unlocked. On the landing page an interested customer has to receive not only the possibility of extensive additional information about the latest product offerings. The complete catalogue can be viewed and ordered. There are also information to the local dealer.