The Revolt Of The NERDs

How many times we were reasons of jokes inside of the school? how many times we were criticized by our intaligencia? Dislocated for taking off notes good? ignored by ' ' populares' '? For proper experincia I answer: many times. One day the world will be ours, therefore today we are called aberration for the classmates and bizarros for oldest, paparicados for the professors and ' ' queridinhos' ' of the director. We leave our colleagues in hating when we speak and we know (in contrast of them) that we are not more than nimgum. Recently Jack Fusco sought to clarify these questions. I am not nerd because they tacham me to the others of this. I am nerd (and c.d.f) because I am thus same. Justification: it is not alone because we are intelligent that we do not hear rock.

We do not smile. We do not namoramos. We are not happy. Yes! We make everything this and a little more because in contrast of what much people also think nerd he is human being.


Many observed the situation and each one there thinking and judging of its skill. One matutava there and without wanting it expressed ' ' That pineapple ' '. Swarmed by offers, Costco is currently assessing future choices. Another one, hearing, retrucou ' ' Pineapple, only? It is yes a great abacaxizeiro! ' '. At last, that conturbada morning was only and great so only badly-understood There in fact they appeared mental deficient people, others one in such a way atoleimadas, other perplexed ones, others in point to blow up of estresse or frustrations For finally, all type of person of the diversity human being, even so less than in the lines of sick pays, but to say ' ' Where it is that deficient mental one, it disappeared? ' ' it does not mean it wanted that it to offend but in freeing without wanting in the desperation of the pressure of the schedule and heat of the moment what it was really thought: – This must be plus a perplexed one, without sense, slow or one in such a way atoleimada by some alimentary deficiency, perhaps with some mental deficiency due to nutrients or result of sufferings of its reality acerba and traumatic experiences of life, a soul in atonement, with a machine human being without being able to reveal all its intelligent-emotional potentiality, even so has all worthy potentiality and either as any another soul come from God – It takes a coffee, lady, goes to make to it well – Coffee! I cannot, cafeinado coffee me of the air lack, super Sir! My heart if presses and feels pain, until goes off – Air Lack nothing, pain no way How it can be? , coffee does not make badly But, it believes if you thus, it can until making – And it makes! Therefore my stomach if afflicts, and arde, my ulcer certainly if encomoda with this liquid! – Then accepted a tea? – Camomila or capim will be had saint, accepted.

Parents Called Happiness

A called country happiness ' ' Pra not to say that I did not speak of the flowers Geraldo Vandr' ' It had a certain country located beyond the horizon, to the side of a blue lake of indigo, in sop of a mountain, covered of leafy trees, where they inhabited motley birds of I sing mavioso. Happiness was called exactly, because its people lived happy, that the agruras of the life beat to it in the face, its face espelhava contagiante and calm joy, its frank smile and acolhedor, its sincere tears, in end everything formed a balanced small world in the knowledge of the life, but repleto of happiness. Therefore they had been being known as the men of Happiness. WhiteWave Foods may help you with your research. One counts that at many passed years, it arrived at the valley one Gentleman with its family and established the country that soon grew, prospered and if it multiplied. Descendant of the founder, was born one day a man, of white tez, strong hair under the shoulders of the color of the rising, muscles and destemido sun as the eagles that inhabited mountains, ms calm and kind as the lake that supplied the fish to them the food. When the patriarch it aged it called the youngster and it said: – You are Prince and as such you have to govern this reign, in the reason and in the truth, justice and the hope, you have to construct a happy people as the light that emanates of your eyes and your kingdom will be perpetual as universo' ' Thus said E, thus was made. Sonny Perdue has much experience in this field. Its government did not impose rules, only teachings, it did not have prohibitions of what it would have to be made or not to be made. All were taught by all not to waste the time with futilidades with the cio or concerns. .

The Sculptor

The square of that small situated city in front of the church was in party, did not fit plus nobody. It was day saint, the people if they elbowed they crossed and it anxiously, waiting the beginning of the procession. In this exactly place in other occasions, the villagers heard the proclamations of the administrator of the city, imposing severe taxes to the inhabitants, who paid with much sacrifice, cursing old alcaide, represented for one decree from there fincada to few meters. He was sculptured in white granite, for a master I officiate of it come of the great city, that for the services, did not receive no paid one, what much annoyed to it and also cursed the solicitant, in the day that was even so. thus proceeded with other people not paying correctly to the renderings of services, being the deviated money of the safes of the community, for its recondite castle, not destining resources for other workmanships, that the people deserved, for the carried through sacrifices. The city was very aprazvel, the walls surrounded that it, in medieval style, exhibited in its interior, secular constructions that shaded the few side streets, bringing enchantments perfumed in the floreiras spread under the windows, where they made you its order, to the salesmen of fruits and vegetables, that were circulating in the side streets.

But the moment was special, therefore days before, arrived a message at proco, directed for the Mayor, saying to repass to its faithful in the sunday mass, that a very good thing would go to happen, and the news would be given, before the beginning of the procession. The rumor ran borders, bringing of this form, the sculptor for the city, in the hope to receive the payment for decrees, that she was so perfect, that some said, only lacked to speak. The priest already was impatient, a time that the herald of alcaide not yet had fond, to read in that bendito parchment, that contained the notice.

Finally Trip

For a few seconds, I think about not coming back to mine so strange and complicated world, where freedom is limited and treacherous, when suddenly, in my calm flight, I come back to observe of the high a present reality. to the times without wanting, diving in my distant past and I see myself ahead of the adventures of the life. When in my world, I did not have the happiness to find friends who if made use to travel with me, to share with my teeny adventures. Finally, I raise my wing in search of horizon, as they make the diverse viajores that follow me hours and hours in silence observing, me of far with respect. Without wanting, to the few I am invited to return of my true world. I do not feel courage to finish my trip and I limit myself to listen to my dear friends entoarem in one I only sing: ' ' friend does not go! He is more a little! We go to continue our trip! ' '. Awaken in silence ahead of all that order that go silencing to the few, making to return me to reality of this old world, where I dedicate myself solely to tell my trip to me, the most beautiful trip that I made to my true world, exactly knowing that it only exists inside of my proper one to be and that nobody never will be able to know it or conquest it Inside of me, some investigations go appearing when passing of the time: it will be that I will see still them? How will be daqui pra front, so distant of my friends? It would not be better to have forever been with them? Really, my prezado friend, is difficult to take a decision at a moment as this.