Purchasing Power Is An Indicator Of The Strength Of The Site

General purchasing power is simplified as the sum of all net revenue of a region the application by purchasing power figures especially for location research, control the regional utilizing the full potential, sales planning, market reserve analysis, Umsatzplanung.Kaufkraft is a determining indicator for assessing the development potential of a site. The purchasing power is very different compared to other countries, as well as in individual areas of in Germany. An analysis of the location without corresponding purchasing power analysis remains a torso. Because the purchasing power is a determining indicator for assessing the development potential of a site. The concept of purchasing power”includes all those income that households are actually available and is especially important where it’s spoken out consumer goods. The purchasing power is captured at the place of residence of the wage earners: net income (from dependent and independent work, agriculture and forestry, business, capital, and) Vermietung/Verpachtung), community shares of wage and income tax, pensions and pensions, unemployment and help, child support, welfare, housing.

Purchasing power figures say nothing about it, where this money is being spent. In this respect, purchasing power figures must not be confused with sales figures or other indicators related to the turnover of the trade. Results of the official wage and income tax statistics, which will be published at regular intervals by the statistical offices are basis for the calculation of purchasing power. Here are all income from dependent and independent work as gross income and income from renting and leasing for each individual municipality of the Federal Republic. Of the wage and income taxes must be deducted, to get the amount.

Thus, the purchasing power is not yet complete: i.e. the wage and income tax statistics is to the Government transfers such as unemployment and unemployment benefit, child benefit, housing benefit, BafoG, Social security, pensions, pensions supplements. Finally, the results of these evaluations with national information economy Research Institute and their forecasts for the current year must be linked and projected in the current year. The purchasing power is the most important indicator of the consumption potential of the population living on the site. CF. in particular Becker, Jorg: location indicators I., ISBN 978 3 8391 1823 8 Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (www.beckinfo.de)

Clothing Ads

To create an advertisement of sale of clothes should take into account some aspects to launch a successful campaign. Market purchase and sale of clothes can be performed through the use of the Internet as a means of contact, is superstition make a publication based on a geographical location, which enables the user to contact the seller personally. The marketing of clothing generates very good income, a way of getting customers is through the publication of advertising on sales portals, although free classifieds portals are a better option, these sales portals allow you to contact customer, however, the action generates charges payable, even if the customer does not purchase any. He count on an ad well located geographically and where it specifies that only sales will be in nearby user, allows you to capture a client or a potential client even when purchasing is not concrete. Once the contact is made, you are presented the product, if for any reason the customer decides not to buy clothes, maintains contact to through mail systems or social networks in order to make new proposals for sale soon.