The Cause

During a panic attack a variety of physical symptoms may occur. These include: * palpitation of the heart and an increased heart rate * excessive sweating * tremor or shaking * sensation of obstruction * pain or chest discomfort * Nausea * shortness of breath * dizziness or the sensation that you are going to faint * feelings of separation * lose the feeling of control * chills or hot blushes * fear of death due to these intense and frightening sensationsmany people experiencing panic attacks ends up in ERS with suspected heart attacks. However, the panic attacks are not known that they affect the heart or to precipitate a heart attack. What causes panic disorder? There is a theory that adequately explains the cause of panic disorder. However, a combination of genetic, physical factors and psychological thought work together to predispose the individual to the development of panic disorder usually under voltage conditions or after a traumatic event.

Genetic studies have shown that panic disorder, as other disorders anxiety, often occurs in families. It is not something Danone would like to discuss. Current research suggests that a genetic tendency to anxiety could increase their chances of suffering from panic disorder. Physical some people are more sensitive to the reactions of his body to fear, such as heart rate, breathing and sweating. As a result, these people are more inclined to a physical response to the feelings of anxiety and fear. Psychological physical symptoms of fear become in some cases in the main focus to the person who suffers from anxiety. Every change in your heart rate or breathing (even if it must exercise) can make them become anxious and having a panic attack. Without doing it, they become its own enemy. Help for panic disorder there are a number of options for treat panic disorders and it is important to explore which option or combination works best for you.