Weight Maintenance Abroad

You control your weight of careful form and try to eat of healthful form? Then, like tearreglas when. . They invite you to a dinner you outside eat instead of to eat in house they invite to a celebration or celebration To eat outside your comfortable kitchen does not have why to become a negative experience. In each situation, you can enjoy an abundant food without putting in danger your waist or your health. One is to choose highly nutritious meals instead of ills or food sweepings.

It chooses a restaurant that takes care of to you. first it chooses a restaurant that does not offer loaded carbohydrate menus solely, fat, sugar. . Tricks Ponte a limit of two plates. The natural election is to do without the dessert. Sltate the previous bread and butter to the food.

The salad is the queen, the more colorful is, the more ample will be the variety of nutrients that you obtain. The seasonings of the salads add 200 calories, so the best thing is to request them separately. It avoids estofados, frituras, barbecues and roasts, since the high temperatures and a slow baking destroys the nutrients. It chooses plates whose method of preparation is coocin to the steam, skipped, to the plate and boiled. Whenever it is possible, it chooses local, fresh vegetables, of the season. The dilemma of the meals in the celebrations They have invited you to a celebration, and is probable that the menu is not thought to conserve the line. Whenever it is possible, it calls days before and very courteously you let know to the hosts who you need to avoid that type of meals, perhaps include some more healthful options. Another alternative is ” llenarse” with a dangerous Formula 1 half an hour before leaving, that helps you to mantenerte far from the buffet. Alcohol, yes or no? The empty calories of fast absorption are a good reason to say no. A small glass of red wine or white has an average of 85-120 calories. 500 ml of blond beer can oscillate between 150-300 calories. 500 ml of cider calories contain between 210-600. 25 ml of liquor can be between 50-80 calories. For assistance, try visiting cerebral palsy symptoms. Some refreshing and healthful alternatives: Water frozen with juice of Lima Tea frozen with lemon or files, coffee frozen with cinnamon, and infusions of grass. The dry white wine is the one that contains less calories. Susana Strained, Biloga, sciences of the health, environmental consultant. .