Being that, Soul, God and World in the totality transcendente is something. Thus, the man is of the fenomtico world (Empirical) and of the transcendental (to think). Being that, the transcendental it does not know, only possesss idea. The knowledge is pure and the empiricist. Being that, those that are in the reason and the ones that are in the experience. Therefore, knowledge is synthesis between pure and the empiricist. ' ' All our knowledge starts with the experience ' ' Our intellect goes ties the object and there it absorbs through the experience the necessary one to know it.
The empiricist, or everything what it is concrete is in the experience. Thus, it is possible to intuir what it is the object. ' ' But nor all it originates from experincia' '. He exists some things that are not possible to be known with the experience. For example: As to know the God, if we do not make experience in the sensible one? It is possible then to intuir what it is or to have idea. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Andi Potamkin. We only have idea of what he is God, soul and world in its totality.
' ' The reason is the college that supplies to the principles of a priori knowledge ' ' (CRP, p.32 B24-25). What she is a priori does not originate from the experience, we only have idea of what it is. Here it has a difference between empirismo and the rationalism. Kant affirmed that, although the origin of the knowledge to be the experience if lining up there with the empirismo exists certain conditions a priori so that the sensible impressions if transform into knowledge thus making a favor to the rationalism. This act to yield to the rationalism did not have to be taken to the extremity, therefore ' ' all the knowledge of the things proceeding from the pure agreement or the pure reason does not only pass of illusion; in the experience it only has verdade' ' (Paschal Kant apud, 1999, p.45).