You alone are the judge of your worth, your goal is to discover the infinite value of yourself. Countries that have been identified with the importance, the scope of developing in search of prospects that consolidate their economies, ensure a better quality of life, have given way to enable emerging markets. What they involve these markets? In this regard can point as discussed, they are markets of developing countries. They are commonly characterized by economies accelerated growth but with the risk of an unstable political situation. He is added, the markets of developing countries are named after emerging.
Currently are considered emerging markets in Southeast Asia, Latin America and the European countries of the former Communist bloc also notes that they receive this name financial markets of non industrialized countries, which are experiencing a large growth of its economy. There are different indices to measure the evolution of these financial markets Andrea Fabiana Mac Donald says, that in terms of the essential features of the emerging markets, they have a great growth of its economy rapidly but with a risk of unstable political and financial situation. The performance of emerging markets are described by suffering from irregular and varying economic cycles where its monetary policy deserves certain variables having as key indicators inflation, balance of payments and the evolution of GDP, being sensitive to the existence of crisis or economic instabilities that reflect long-term. Other characteristics of emerging markets is their volatility in monetary matters, which makes in many cases that are affected by their lack of liquidity in its assets, causing slowdowns and sudden changes in its operation. One of the key indicators of emerging markets is the investment followed by consumption, reflecting the behavior of investors and consumers in the domestic economy of aggregate demand. In addition, says that during the nineties, many developing countries have suffered collapses of crises such as the case of Mexico in the year 1994; Russia in 1998, Brazil in 1999, then being Argentina at the end of 2001.