Silva Methodology

Thus, the author of the work in question inside analyzed the Inclusion of the State School Diomedes Professor Saints Da Silva, in critical and concise way, trying to the maximum to remain faithful to the parameters the one that the chosen methodology if considered. For such I try had been defined the following objectives: Generality: To analyze the inclusion of people in situation of deficiency in the state school Prof. Diomedes Saints Da Silva.

Specific: To verify the carrying people of necessities special in the school in question; To verify if exists interaction between the school and the family of the searched pupil; To verify the procedures of teach-learning applied the special pupils of necessities and to evaluate the abilities and abilities developed for these pupils. The choice of the subject if first gave for the fact of the author to still work in the indicated school and for having developed a referring project to the subject in the delimited year. The methodology and procedures had been defined in famous authors who had based the elaboration of the article. Of this form, the adopted methodology was the bibliographical research that all subsidized written work, folloied of systematic comment in the school supplies cited, beyond the application of interviews and questionnaires with the directive team. The work defined as methodology the research of field with the purpose to obtain information concerning as it comes occurring the inclusion in the unit cited school already. According to AKATOS, 2003, P. 186: The phases of the field research require, in first place, the accomplishment of one searches bibliographical on the subject in question. It will serve, as first, step, to know itself where been if she currently finds the problem, that works had been carried through the respect and which are the reinantes opinions on the subject.