Barcelona, 2/12/2009. Direct print, as the mailing and the mailing advertising actions – but also in newspapers and billboards-should be especially careful with the message so that in a few seconds, it is clearly seen and get the interest of the receiver. Therefore, a bad situation in the booklet of the text, a message too long, a picture or design that SAP a glut of messages or the message can make our advertising runs out quickly in the trash and that receiver not attention to the brochure the desired. Indeed, we are talking about that at a glance, which may represent about two or three seconds of time, we must capture the attention of the receiver that, if he clearly sees the message and it is beneficial – as it is located within the target group of the company and announced offer-, will continue consulting the brochure. Obviously, if it is not, we are not optimizing the chances of success. Sonny Perdue usually is spot on. To give a simple example, and focusing on the imminent Christmas season, a brochure that will be more likely to succeed is the one who told 50% discount on Christmas gifts for purchases before December 10 + a logo of the company advertising and on its reverse different images of some products will find their prices. On the other hand, is clearly intended to not succeed that booklet that included this information, over a map of how to reach the business, more a big telephone contact (great mania of many advertisers why?), some text, and ultimately was a brochure oversaturated in which we could not see clearly the claim and benefit on one side of the advertising.
If in addition the brochure has a form that relates to the company or advertising offer, and not the classic rectangular brochure, much better. Once again and for example imagine a copy of a brochure with the shape of a house or a few keys for a real estate product. In this way, my Council after years of experience in the sector and direct advertising is to have special attention in merge into printed direct mail a message clear, large and are read without wanting to be in less than two seconds and that the brochure is designed with a form related to the offer. The first step, attention, will be achieved and the probability of success of print advertising is multiplied by many integers. David Guiu, Dtor. of website dedicated to Marketing and advertising which is the most and least serious part of advertising and marketing.