Brutal. I have no words to describe what I just saw on television. It is the program of Telecinco you if that vouchers, one of the most crappy programs that I’ve seen in my life, although I must admit that I laughed much, too even, for the merits of the contestants and the format of the competition. I have collaborated to create a monster of easy humor and am co-responsible for this. He had never seen it and I was shocked.
This program consists of performances by many-colored people with skills different, many of them foreign, other curious and most directly pathetic. Some sing, others dance, others have jokes, others make magic, others sing without closing the mouth, others disguise themselves. Worst of all is the humiliation suffered 90 percent of the contestants having to endure that the jury formed by three people (? does ngel Ll? does cer, Noemi Galera and Javier Sard?) after his brief performance in the best of cases a minutillo devouring them ridiculing them, if they themselves have not done so already in the most of the time with shabby performances. The prize is 30,000 euros and two performances of maximum audience in Telecinco, prize I think not to compensate a ridiculous to 4 million people. First and foremost I wonder: is there a filter to discriminate against those who know that they will do the ridiculous, that art really have? Isn’t it better to say to the kid in the cast that sings like ass or that their jokes are regrettable, publicly run during Prime Time of maximum audience, so all Spain laugh of them and can not go out in two years? In the broadcast yesterday, virtually all looked like freaks and many comments from the judges were harmful and totally disproportionate: to say one missing no vale do not humiliate him.