It is not more magic in one case or the other, you know. In ancient societies of which I speak, elders, ritually live in us, exactly as our resources are. The famous resort of the professional historian, is always going to find those resources in the grimoires (historian believes mandatory is a rat’s library), but an African village historian, for example, attend the commemorative festivities: these are your resources. To tell the truth, in reality is not the past, because it is a commemoration: it is not the past but live it as if it were the present, i.e. the total number of the update. Briefly, the object of history is not the past, is the update of the past (and is not the same!).
In short, there have always been men who recite in other professional words of the story that were orally transmitted group files. That these stories are true or false doesn’t matter, anyway, they say almost the same thing in a given society: as a consequence, these stories become co-founders of the origins of the group, and, therefore, of their identity. This all the stories, the fact that they have been dealt with and they are still part of certain societies espoused orally, does not prevent to go from writing, to condition, even here, which don’t reduce writing to the aspect that has on us. These stories are due a coded ritual recitations, composition, chains of nearly frozen episodes, exactly as they would be by writing. It is impossible, for example, begin to count (once upon a time). In other words the Narrator speaking as you do until you begin to say that he speaks as a book, according to the expression, is not to say that the reproduces the recitation from memory (in certain cases, he dictates). It is necessary to say that, in this perspective, the distinction we make between an oral literature and written literature, is absolutely fraudulent.