-Write or dedicate yourself to the promotion of other authors? Both things; without the other can not go it. I tend to be Solomon in my decisions when to involve third parties, but on this issue I can not choose because writing led me to promote. It is time to promote the culture and their authors try to twinning towns through spaces as LVDLPEI where we are all United by the common nexus of the word. But it is obvious that can’t not relegate it my literary work of life, would be like dying. You will arrive this time also. In life simply to have patience and perseverance. That is why that when come me eager young authors publish always I advise you wait. Publish never makes you best writer/a.
For the rest of the world, if not you si no se publica it publishes it is as is if not writer. It is incorrect that. I’m a writer by vocation and thanks to that little talent with which you were born, and then we must Polish. Those who don’t understand why now is not my time writing I will say them that I am not a Bartleby, I’m not afraid to publish. The profession of writer is not learned, but yes is improved. Hence, to always question if there is ambivalence among the need to publish as recognition and inability to publish as a form of shunning of the contemporary literary stablishment. -Do by what the? the art world is generally governed by the Ego and fierce disputes between pairs occur? Envy is the worst of the scourges. Not all the artists and writers are driven by ego, but it is true that there are many who just want to step on to the friend or colleague to subtract them prominence, if he exists because I doubt it.