He immediately charm all sober and correct, focused and confident approach to the business entrusted to him. Even without this, and increasingly some hitherto unfamiliar responsibility to its people for things football. Gus appeared Ivanovitch, who was soon christened almost a god (it was a mistake). And our team had to play, self-confidence, a certain looseness or something from past search for previous generations of martyrs. And see the result – a fairy tale of the summer of 2008, which is now our whole country an immense, our Holy Russia, in unison recalls, but with bitter tears in her eyes and sense of a comprehensive unbearable despair, but only now have a universal, national, I would say. And this frustration can be expressed in one simple question for all to yourself (I believe that most of these fans asked themselves this question): Well, what are we still missing? And here comes the fun and sadness for our entire Russian people – a people bearing nation. The answer is quite simple, and at the same time difficult simultaneously, because requires that all people think about themselves and their history.
That was long ago, even before the revolution of the 17 th year. Our people – the support of the Orthodox faith – in God drove overnight from their homes and livestock. The reasons were different, but result – is one: God among us is not. Began to live without it: nothing. There was a surge – during the War of the Faith 1941-1945, when all the soldiers (or most) saw the light, realizing, and many saw that without God, not to the threshold, when our holy saints of God were on the battlefields and in the open in front of entire armies (including German), helped our soldiers to drive the trash on our earth, when facing a decisive battle command armies paid for help from God and religious processions were held, after which the Germans do not hesitate just escaped from the battlefield in terror, surrendering their position without a fight (as in the capture of Koenigsberg, for example).