Brazil still possesss low index in the digital inclusion, not being still common to find Internet and lap tops in the public schools. But the Wallets of Informatizadas Lesson are another newness, idealized and the sales already to some years behind, but in the next years we will only be able to come across with this innovation in the classrooms of all the sectors. They continue being used as conventional wallets however with an aggregation more, the conventional table turns a table with an inlaid computer. An advance for the security of the equipment. The blackboards also start to be digital. These already can be found in use and promise advances in the classroom with much interatividade.
Being able to add other new technologies, as the Tabblet, a type of informatizada plane table hardwired the digital blackboard that it allows the professor to pass information to the pupils of any point of the classroom that it will be, and softwares of reality 3D that they provide immediate interest on the boarded subject. Digital certificates arrive to speed in the delivery in the document. They can instantaneously be printed matters with paper of authenticity security and originalidade in the end of the activity where the participant concluded. 5. CONCLUSION Was possible to verify, through research carried through for the creation of this article, that the Education is renewing its methodologies and concepts next to the NTICs. That we are in continuous development and having today a great technological advance in the sector of the Education with some existing resources of computer science already. The technology comes to give to greater support to the professor and better education to the pupil. But not leaving of side the basic paper of the educator ahead of the technology and educating, where the true educator is that one whom he knows to lead its pupil in the search and in the access to the necessary information in way that can guide it in the process knowledge construction, interacting with its pupil while human being that it has sensitivity to perceive and to take care of to its necessities and the personal interests – task that the computer cannot play .