The main ‘black spot’ in the north suburbs – the forest-covered island at the confluence of the Volga River Bear called ‘triangle of Tver’. Every summer, when the people of Dubna in large numbers go on vacation outside the city, start conversations that the island once again saw a huge glowing balls. They emit an unpleasant noise. At this time, vacationers Radiation at radio. A boat sailing seems to be on the quiet water, start to go shake. Local historians have organized on a mysterious island several expeditions.
The last one was this summer. The camp is pitched on the right bank of the Volga. At midnight, near the moon suddenly appeared dense shimmering ball and slowly move to island. Suddenly, from the ‘second moon’ separated a little yellow ball and flew among the stars. Nothing else happened. Disappointed by the observers, finishing the remnants of alcohol, dispersed to their tents.
At dawn they were awakened by the sound beating dishes from extinct fire. Getting out of tents, historians have seen as a fresh morning mist, swaying unsteadily smoky figure of unusual creatures. Suddenly it turned around and, quite uhaya, rushed into the depths the island, breaking the bushes. The museum has a ghost inhabits the lady in the city of Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum is located in a building at the end of the XIX century belonged to a wealthy landowner Moraevoy. It was a local Saltychiha from atrocities which have suffered not only servants, but also relatives, forced to spend time beside the old woman waiting for an inheritance. Often happened that one of its approximate disappeared. And then the city was rumored that landowner ruined another Christian soul. But no evidence the police have not been. As she died ‘righteous’, too, is not completely clear. But now, once or twice a month, the museum wandering white ghost. According to eyewitnesses, there is it after sixteen hours when the museum closes. Another proof for serpuhovchan ‘filth’ of this place – Two years ago shot a guard. And no matter how many ministers were trying to start a museum or a cat, animals flee away. Kozlovka go to – let me be raped! Each resident Krasnohorska from childhood heard about the sinister Kozlovka. Narrow lane that connects the street with the local Forest stadium – headache city police. Here occur most terrible crimes. And if a message comes on duty about the murder or rape, then, without waiting for specifying the address, it sends a patrol to Kozlovka. Already more than one generation of local peasant women, complaining about his fate, and say: ‘I’m going to Kozlovka, let me be raped there …’ And under the Soviet regime, and in recent years before the election Kozlovka tried to put in order. But each time, the ‘damned’ road lights installed on Next morning they found themselves overwhelmed. To clean-will clean trash and a night breeze will cause the new piles – trees, branches, broken glass, old posters … Among the city’s street cleaners even have a superstition: scrubbing Kozlovka can one day age of ten years. Black Spot sidestep even cats and dogs. But here the huge rats live.