Provincial City

The most depraved provincial Ukrainian city – Alexandria. City of Alexandria has grown by radioactive granite stones – probably why people in this town a bit, "mutated" and different from others. What's the difference?: – only in this city, "boil water", ie a synonym coined the phrase "drive air," "soar brains," "wasting time on empty rhetoric …" – only in this city, the relative percentage of millionaires several times higher than in other regions Ukraine – in this city can come in search of love for money and can not find! (It's at 100 000nas.), And if you count what percentage of prostitutes in this city went to work in other places, the "prostitutkoprovod" in Alexandria was would broader than not only the hundred-thousanders Ukraine, but would beat and some polumilionniki … – in this city can come in looking for love without money and find the love for money! or without money, and chances are visitors (guests) are always higher than natives (not counting the popular rich party people-lovers – hunting for them, too …) – the girls in this town more than any other building up nails and eyelashes, a fashionable dress and undress! – As a sports town (a lot of keen on sports, fitness, various kinds of struggle) and promoted by drug addiction – in this town gossip, rumors, slander … can affect the status and credibility, ie, only in this city, Aboriginal trust in less than visitors! – In the city millions of professional hunter can be trained "in love" (probably to "equipment" does not idle …) – only in this city, among my friends is a woman who in public places (Disco, cafes …) the only communication before sex with a new man was delivered to them the phrase – to you or me? Other familiar girl answered the question to you or me? – Here and now! And usually occurs in all toilet. In other cities, usually ask – how much? Girls of Alexandria so deceptively fashionable look that visitors often ask them the same question, hoping to hear the three-digit number – but instead, or silence or three-digit word in a gesture of bending the elbow …