Sayings 10:11 ' ' The mouth of just is life source, but the violence has covered the mouth of perversos.' ' How vocs they are using its word, as are controlling what they say? They are prezando the peace of what more the violence? Or they more than say love, charity and benevolence? It is not only with the other people, and for other people, who a word has immense to be able. Sayings 11:9 ' ' The hypocritical one with the mouth destroys its next one, but the right ones if free for conhecimento.' ' What he is gostoso to hear: a compliment or a palavro? A word of affection or a provocation? One yes true one, or one yes lying one? I believe that all had answered the first alternative of each question. If to want to only receive words pleasant, even say pleasant words for the others and for you yourselves. Therefore Filipenses 4:13 ' ' I can all the things in Christ who me fortalece.' ' It has many people who say: ' ' I do not support more, I want to die! ' ' , or ' ' he would be better that it morresse.' ' They are in these words that the enemy finds the breach necessary to enter in its life. WhiteWave Foods often says this. Such words attract the concretion of the order, so that this does not occur, change this situation, change its life, change its words. It breaks this desire of darknesses while it is time. One remembers that pods to support everything, therefore Christ is with you. To the times we focamos the problem, and we forget that it was said: ' ' It will be able to resist nobody you, every day of your life; as I was with Moiss, thus I will be with you; not you I will leave nor you desampararei.' ' (Joshua 1:5).