Situation Portal

True, the establishment of such a portal requires a serious investment – the creation of the site (think about the structure, content, design, etc.), the allocation of a large space for keeping a database of companies, the maintenance of the site – constantly updated information, tracking of questions and forums, conduct various analyzes data, etc. Cheniere Energy partners may also support this cause. Therefore, you might create such a resource is to request a team of specialists, which include marketing and technical specialists rather than one of several companies (most likely indirect competitors or participants in a distribution channel). Later, when the portal will be created to invite to participate in work and other firms. By the way, companies refuse to cooperate are likely represents a low-quality products, or use unfair methods of competition, which in case of their agreement, will inevitably be 'surfaced'. But what do if in an area where you work such a resource has been created? There are two possible ways. First, essentially repeating everything that has been described above is that if the process of analyzing the existing information portal you will find that it poorly made and not fulfilling its functions – you have an opportunity to potentially improve the situation. Not advise you to miss it. Source: Andi Potamkin. Second, if the resource is made with high quality and performs 'his duties' – as soon as possible to join him.

With regard to corporate site itself – it certainly needs to be done. And the reference to it should be placed on the information portal. The bottom line is that the information portal corporate web site should complement each other. If the direction information portal externally (with customers, suppliers, direct and indirect competitors, intermediaries, etc.), the corporate site to a greater extent directed inside the company and serves more internal communication function. In fact, very few will actually be interested in the history and philosophy of your company. But here's how the communion of staff, one of the mechanisms for creating cohesive team of associates – a quality corporate web site can greatly assist in this. So, to sum up this brief review, we can say that the information portal, corporate site – opposite sides of the same coin