Terrestrial Transports

Of the tram to the train-bullet until the stop of Mimosa Village. Aguiomar Rodrigues Bruno (1) Was I seated in one morning sunny reading the sunday periodical in jocosa way and without many pretensions in that day. When I came across myself with a colorful and at least uncommon heading, ' ' Mimosa village in the way of trem' ' , in he sufficiently called which me to the attention, of the author Francisco Edson Alves, in article written in the periodical the DAY, in day 16/05/2010. In which, he comes telling the possible construction of a train-bullet platform, in the area of the Square of the Flag, that will bind to Rio De Janeiro the So Paulo for the National Agency of Terrestrial Transports, in the next semester. Until there all good. But what he would have to have the train-bullet with the so famous Mimosa Village (2)? Soon I thought that if he dealt with a sensationalist heading to more than call the attention the readers for an obvious text, that would say on the increase of the clientele in the bars and boates said as inferninhos (3), in function the future platform train and nothing what this. For my great surprise and I believe of many readers this periodic one, it was not the approach in benesses economic much less loving of the probable one taken over on a contract basis nor neither in the resolution of characteristic an urban problem of all great city (transport). But yes, in it neglects and the little interest of the authorities in arguing with the communities the impact in the area of the project as the innumerable dispossessions of property in the Square of the Flag, and consequentemente in the uncertain future of the same ones. It is important to make an exception, therefore, we are not here for playing the role of myopic opposition against technological innovations of modernity in favor of an anachronistic saudosismo of a time that if much less passed to establish a relation maniquesta with the State and its infrastructure politics.