Of the tram to the train-bullet until the stop of Mimosa Village. Aguiomar Rodrigues Bruno (1) Was I seated in one morning sunny reading the sunday periodical in jocosa way and without many pretensions in that day. When I came across myself with a colorful and at least uncommon heading, ' ' Mimosa village in the way of trem' ' , in he sufficiently called which me to the attention, of the author Francisco Edson Alves, in article written in the periodical the DAY, in day 16/05/2010. In which, he comes telling the possible construction of a train-bullet platform, in the area of the Square of the Flag, that will bind to Rio De Janeiro the So Paulo for the National Agency of Terrestrial Transports, in the next semester. Until there all good. But what he would have to have the train-bullet with the so famous Mimosa Village (2)? Soon I thought that if he dealt with a sensationalist heading to more than call the attention the readers for an obvious text, that would say on the increase of the clientele in the bars and boates said as inferninhos (3), in function the future platform train and nothing what this. For my great surprise and I believe of many readers this periodic one, it was not the approach in benesses economic much less loving of the probable one taken over on a contract basis nor neither in the resolution of characteristic an urban problem of all great city (transport). But yes, in it neglects and the little interest of the authorities in arguing with the communities the impact in the area of the project as the innumerable dispossessions of property in the Square of the Flag, and consequentemente in the uncertain future of the same ones. It is important to make an exception, therefore, we are not here for playing the role of myopic opposition against technological innovations of modernity in favor of an anachronistic saudosismo of a time that if much less passed to establish a relation maniquesta with the State and its infrastructure politics.
Tag: history
Jupiter Research
This technique is often sponsored by a brand that seeks to generate knowledge of a product or service. Viral ads take often the form of funny video clips or interactive Flash games, images, and even texts. The growing popularity of viral marketing is due to the ease of implementation of the campaign, its relatively low cost, (compared to direct mail campaigns), good targeting, and a high and high response rate. Filed under: WhiteWave Foods. The main advantage of this form of marketing is its ability to get a large amount of potential customers interested, at a low cost. The most difficult task for any company is to acquire and retain a large customer base. Through the use of the Internet and the effects of advertising by e-mail, the efforts of communication business-to – customer (business-to-consumer or B2C) get much greater impact than many other tools.
Viral marketing is a technique that avoids the inconvenience of spam: encourages the users of a product specific service to tell it to your friends. That is a recommendation positive word of mouth. One of the most successful perspectives that have been found in getting that customer base is the so-called Communications Marketing integrated (Integrated Marketing Communications) gustavoguerrero.blogspot.com, on the other hand gives us, the attraction of the viral marketing lies primarily in that, given that it is based on the recommendations of the own recipients of the message, its boost of distribution are practically nil.But the dream may be coming to an end, at least for those who are not having good experiences, since they are reproducing what others do, without making sure that practice to be successful.According to the Viral Marketing: Bringing the Message to the Masses. You may find Berkeley to be a useful source of information. analyst company Jupiter Research, only 15% of viral campaigns prompted people to retransmit the message, which has led to a decrease of 55% of the plans for using this tool to be used with the powerful influencers however these figures, viral marketing has no because let is used, is the key according to the co-author of the report from JupiterResearch, Emily Riley in the use of best practices for achieving a successful campaign with this tool.
Good Village Hope
In the visits that we carry through we observe children going up in trees to take off fruits and if to feed. We believe to be difficult to be of ‘ ‘ belly vazia’ ‘ in this territory. Coconut, banana, jambo, jaca, had been saboreadas fruits also for us. There flour is produced, had aipim, dend, fruit-bread, cacao, and much more. Who gives to all the children of this our country could be ventured to go up it in a jambeiro to receive from it delicious jambos. Unhappyly, many of these teeny and teeny ones need (DES) to venture themselves in lixes stop of them trying to extract its survival. The life in the field under the lenses of the life city dweller can seem monotonous, without movement, without chances, but who in it /de it only lives can express the directions that are constructed in the dynamics of the relation with the nature.
Many young, had to the experiences that have, over all, in the period that they need to go to study in the city, starts to glimpse a life is of the nesting. The seated ones that they had been interviewed had said that some young is working in the city. They pass if to relate with the nesting as if this was a quarter; they wake up early and they go to work in the city. This if must also had the proximity of this nesting to the urban zone. In the interview carried through in seated day 24/02/2011 the Floriano and Benedict, they had affirmed that ‘ ‘ youth has shame to say that deferred payment in the nesting, because they find that the natives are? roceiros? ‘ ‘. 3 memorial Signals: of the imbricao between history and memory In defense for the writing of the history of the nesting Good Village Hope is that we were locating some points of the map presented for () interviewed ().
Vaclav Havel
Match those skilled in the art, and I understand that they are not wrong, when they point out that for forming the character of a person, without a doubt, we need some basic needs. Namely: affection, warmth, food i.e. all stimuli necessary, and at the same time complementary, to learn to discern between good and evil. By the contrary, contrary to the above needs under: psychic or psychological, abandonment, lack of affection, lack of understanding the children tend to develop a fearful and doubtful character: they lose the love of life, and they become broken toys of lifetime, which many people (badly named this way) violate and tend to get rid of them. I’m talking about realities, that rather than fictions. Here’s why appear in the family environment children lonely. Our current society has become permissive and complacent, to such an extent, that everything seems us well, and we’ve stopped thinking, to not complicate life.
Nice scene! We move forward along a path that seems wrong, in many cases, tolerant, and as a result we find ourselves immersed in a cluster of defects (moral imperfections): there are defects of family, status, occupation, age, etc. If all these defects coincide in an individual and do not prevent with prudence and efficiency, are helping to form an intolerable monster, a kind of Superman in terms of ideas, that takes us from one side to another without time limitations to the space. Vaclav Havel, playwright former President of the Republic of Czechoslovakia (1993-2003), said in his day to several Rotary Spaniards: tolerance begins to be a weakness when the man begins to tolerate intolerable things, when it begins to tolerate evil.Asked if he knew the border between them, said: Unfortunately there are no computer mathematician that can secure the border. This depends on the moral and ethical sense. La Coruna, 29 April 2011 Mariano Cabrero is writer Copyright photography updated original author and source of the article.
The Animalism
Practically living isolated of the world, the Ussr, voluntarily or for the implantation of the Sanitary Lace, after the World War I, was presented in the end of the decade of 1930 as the great mystery for the socialist powers, not only constructed one alternative regimen to the capitalism, as at the same time it insurgiu under character of great power, mainly which had to the quinquennial plans that had objectives to delineate the economy. In the book a revolution is described that happens in the Farm of the Solar one, later will become the Farm of the Animals. A pig of twelve years, called Major, has an ideal of all the free animals, that all could leave of being enslaved of the human beings, who are its owners. With this intention, the same it considers a revolution that can place in practical the Animalism, such vocbulo created to compare itself with the Communism. In this Animalism, the animals would work exactly for itself and they did not have plus no type of obedience to the human beings, configuring the libertarian ideal. With death of Major, Ball-of-Snow and Napoleo, who are pigs are with the mission to take care of of the ideals cultivated for Major, placing in practical the Animalism. After the owners to leave of feeding the animals of the Farm, the same ones if rebel, and try to invade the warehouse that contained foods, but are soldiers on barrack duty for Jones and its assistant who notice the invasion and arrive at the place chicoteando the animals I contend then the possible invasion. Thus, the animal ones go to the fight and obtain to banish Jones and its woman from the Farm of the Solar one, giving beginning to a new life to the animals. The Animalism considered for the Major starts then, all they go to the fields and they work where the fruits of the work of the animals will be divided of equal form to all.