E, reaffirming everything this is necessary that the professor introduces in the classroom diverse games, being that this as Piaget (1945) can be classified in: games of exercise, symbolic and of rules. Although it has this classification of games, proposal for Piaget and Inherlder (1974), these types of games predominate during all playful activity. What it characterizes these types of games? Which is the importance of them for the construction of the knowledge in the school? To answer to these questions is what we will delineate to follow. Games of exercise are first to appear in life of child, that would be in the period of development that Piaget (1936) called of sensrio-engine (first eighteen months of life) e, does not include interventions of rules, what the child executes is simply for the pleasure that finds in the proper activity. Of the games of exercises, the child inherits the imagination, the creativity, to the anticipated experience of the Real and, its sociocultural importance is very great, since, represents the favour, the slightness, to the malice it is in the games or any other situations of the life.
The games of exercises are forms of, to repeat a sequence motor therefore forms to form a habit. E, the habits as Piaget says (1936), are the main form of learning in the first year of life and constitute the base for the future mental operations. The used repetition as parameter in this game is one of the forms of pertaining to school learning and learning for the life. According to Macedo (1997): The exercise games allow the child to face the pertaining to school activities, using the values and the production of knowledge, as an end and not as a way, that is, these help to form futures citizens, citizens who will have to dominate the letters, the numbers and sciences.