Monograph presented to the Course of Letters of the University of the Region of the Campaign? University campus of So Borja (RS), as requisite partial for attainment of the Permitted degree of in Letters? Qualification in Portuguese Language, Spanish Language and Respective Literatures. People who orientates: Prof Master Zil Teixeira Delavy 2009 SUMMARY Is Borja This work intends to revisit the poets Portuguese Cames and Bocage, leaving of the premise to compare its sonetos, separating the subject Love, represented for Cames in aesthetic of the Classicismo and the controversial Passion constant subject in Bocage and gift in the Neoclssico period. Considering the distinct aesthetic centuries and Clssica and Neoclssica, similarity how much to the form of composition and how much to the naturalness is observed, in Cames and Bocage, determined of to express inherent thought and feeling, elements its poetries. Both the authors possuam the fidget for the perfect one, as well as an immense pride for its native land. In literature it could not be different, so great dexterity and ingenuity of visionaries in the art of poetar, had marked times that attended the land discoveries new, where if installed new behaviors, this, intensifying and enriching the literary production of these sonetistas. RESUMN This document tiene for objective to revisit los Portuguese poets Cames y Bocage, con there premisa of hacer joins comparacin of sus there sonetos, separating el subject Love, represented for Cames en aesthetic clasicista y el controverted constant woollen subject pasin en Bocage en el neoclsico period. Cuenta Teniendo en siglos different los y there aesthetic Clsica y Neoclsica, if observes en Cames y Bocage, given there there similitud en form of composicin as there naturalidad of expresar sentimiento el pensamiento y, los inherentes factors su poetry.