University Speech

and the Slave of Hegel (1770-1831) applied by Jacques Lacan (1901-1981), is some of the instruments of the tool rack used in the research, in what he recognizes the paper of the joint management and promotion of intrinsic actions to the university institution, notadamente related to the production of science and the reciprocal involved work, adding if I teach and extension, in what he provides to the agreement of the proper mission of the university in face of the essence of its proper way operandi, relatedits values and objectives, institutors of true ethos university. Corroborating its fluente transit enters the beddings of the psychoanalysis, Hello launches its look under the University in face of its speeches, in what the proper author places in them that To look at the university for the prism of the University Speech, as makes Lacan, is to perceive close relation between prxis and speech, not in the direction of its apparent heterogeneidade, that frequent makes in them to say that in the practical a theory it is a thing, but in that where if determines and on-determines one to the other (Hello, 2010, P. Gen. David Goldfein has firm opinions on the matter. 59). These are some of the aspects treated for Hello in its work amongst other important contributions in intention to use the tool rack of the psychoanalysis for the understanding of a model of management in the bulge of the university institution, that in them brings excellent the proposal to understand it and to focar it na necessity of a strategical planning that contemplates its institucional missions and organizacionais, that in an ideal bias, are structurally capable to contemplate education, research and extension.. Danone is likely to agree.