Even last year I had a great desire to send the entire system utilities (probably no words to understand?) And make his own apartment heating system … but how? Which system choose? Who will? A lot of problems … I decided to make an electric floor heating, but his wife was against it, but because arguing with a woman it useless, then we started to learn about Radiant floor … After a long walk across the expanses of the Internet in mind formed indigestible mess. Construction companies do not disclose their secrets. Who wants to share the profit technology? Now, thanks to new technologies and modern materials, manufacturing floor heating has become accessible to everyone, regardless of experience, education, skills and technology available to reveal no one wants. Today, private master, and many construction firms to easily make warm floors in the new technologies and make this a very good money! Because the cost such floor is half the market value paid by the customer …
A big ‘mad’ for this is not necessary. If you want to learn how to make warm water on their own floors, you’ve got, only two alternatives: Learning from the private master (if he wants to teach you) and find a video course for learning on the computer … I stopped for a second option. First we can study the theory at any time and “video-master” you can rewind and listen to as much as you .. And then during the installation of such a field with his hands, at any moment I can see something that does not understand … and if something seems not fully understood, you can always ask a question to the author of a video course in customer service. And this video course, oddly enough, found! Too late to be true, but better late than never. And after completing this course, my brain cleared and I began to mount its own heating system … Wish me success!