The Advisor community calls on its members to help and ‘Donate’ Munich opportunities collects for the action, December 17, 2008 – for a long time, the discussion about the security and vulnerability of the Internet circulating in parent and teacher groups. How to teach you the proper use of the new media in particular children and young people? And where does one for the enlightenment and where does it stop? It begins with simple questions: how much time is allowed to spend a child from the computer? And it can surf alone and without control of the Internet? Is there to block a way for parents of certain pages? These and other questions are also members of the Advisor Portal Our members are already sensitized for the protection and education of children and young people in dealing with new media. “, so Markus Wolflick, Managing Director of GmbH. now we take us even in the duty and are committed to the action opportunities donate ‘ of the German children’s Fund”, so Wolflick next. The project donate opportunities ‘ is committed to various topics.
The GmbH collects donations, to the action of media case together with their members ‘ support. The case is aimed primarily at teachers and tutors in recreational facilities. It offers appealing material to children and young people in addition to the common, often inadequate teaching materials, proper behavior on the Internet and clear action items, to convey to deal playfully with new technologies and applications. Project partners of the so-called Internet surfers media case are the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., voluntary multimedia service providers (FSM) and Microsoft Germany. More information and background for the fundraising event on: or.