Relief Operation

“PIECES for PARACAS” is a fundraiser for the reconstruction of the so far successful dolphin protection project in Peru-Paracas, which was rocked by an earthquake in its foundations. In late August 2007, there was a severe magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Peru. The epicenter of the quake was exactly where to save the dolphins (GRD) operates a dolphin conservation project since 1999 and has built a sea Protection Center of Peruvian dolphin and sea protection organization ACOREMA with: in the city of Pisco, in the region of ICA-Paracas. Under the motto “PIECES for PARACAS”, the GRD launched a fundraising campaign for the reconstruction of the so far successful dolphin protection project in Peru-Paracas, which was rocked by the earthquake to its foundations in October 2007. Piece by piece we want to get back to normal: with functioning schools, where marine ecology plays a special role, because the students are the decision makers of tomorrow with the continuation of the observations of our now famous Godfather dolphins and the expansion of its protection (and their popularity) and reconstruction (stone by stone) of sea Protection Centre and thus further information of public involvement in the protection of dolphins, the terrible earthquake killed many people and destroyed over 70 percent of the houses, including the famous Tiravanti House, where the Marine Conservation Centre was set up. The exhibition space with Dolphin models, display boards, whale skeletons and much more, as well as the seminar rooms with binoculars, projectors and computers were destroyed. A funded by the GRD textbook on marine ecology and dolphin protection to over 900 teachers in schools in the region of ICA-Paracas was distributed in mid-2007. Many of these schools have now collapsed, up to now, there are still no regulated lessons.

Many children lost their homes (also our colleagues from ACOREMA) and are traumatized. Sleep still in camps and the impressions of the earthquake have left great anxieties among them. As a first emergency programme, puppet shows are about Dolphins for children carried out to distract them a bit of the horrors and suffered pain. All children love dolphins and so marine mammals in beautiful stories can be packed a little comfort as “little therapy help”. Continue to begin as soon as possible with the search after our godparents dolphins. Live in the waters off Pisco GRD Godfather dolphins: bottlenose dolphin, we know on the basis of its back fin which personal names and are regularly observed by the in-house Eiterinnen and employees of our partner organization in place – ACOREMA -. They are found, the regular observations should be continued. As a long-term goal, we want to rebuild a marine conservation centre with our partner and set up. As soon as possible to back seminars and courses on marine ecology and dolphin protection offered to the population. For the purchase of a suitable property and development of the marine safety Center, we urgently need help. GRD, Denise Walker