How much oxygen your body uses per unit of time during classes, called the aerobic capacity of the organism. Endurance is limited to the ability of the organism to saturate the muscles with oxygen. From increased aerobic capacity of an organism depends on the development of endurance, including cardiovascular system, respiratory. Systematic and complete exercises help to increase the aerobic capacity of the organism to 35 percent. As a result, the universality obvious – this one trainer able to normalize weight, strengthen and build endurance, improve coordination, to work all muscle groups – and thus spare the joints! Physical preparation and counting of the pulse. Physical training contribute increased heart rate, so the pulse is the criterion for exercise intensity. The initial level of fitness is important to develop individual exercise programs. Those who are just starting to exercise, should be focus on the heart rate of 110-120 beats per minute – a heart rate corresponding to the load will be optimal. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Emmanuel Faber.
For people with high physical fitness requires a much higher intensity workouts. Check pulse should be after 10 minutes. after you have started training. This will be a 'stress pulse', aka 'the pulse of the load. " At first pulse should be between 65-70% of the imp (the maximum age pulse). The formula for calculating imp is as follows: from 220-Thi subtract your age. Maybe you'll find such a load is too simple, but, nevertheless, does not need to speed up the load – in fact, these methods are time-tested and experience of many people. With good physical training heart rate can be up to 80% of the imp. For best results from training is recommended to do under the guidance of fitness, which will develop a training program for you, if need to adjust the course of her employment. And it would also be helpful in choosing cardio for the home.