Relief Operation

“PIECES for PARACAS” is a fundraiser for the reconstruction of the so far successful dolphin protection project in Peru-Paracas, which was rocked by an earthquake in its foundations. In late August 2007, there was a severe magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Peru. The epicenter of the quake was exactly where to save the dolphins (GRD) operates a dolphin conservation project since 1999 and has built a sea Protection Center of Peruvian dolphin and sea protection organization ACOREMA with: in the city of Pisco, in the region of ICA-Paracas. Under the motto “PIECES for PARACAS”, the GRD launched a fundraising campaign for the reconstruction of the so far successful dolphin protection project in Peru-Paracas, which was rocked by the earthquake to its foundations in October 2007. Piece by piece we want to get back to normal: with functioning schools, where marine ecology plays a special role, because the students are the decision makers of tomorrow with the continuation of the observations of our now famous Godfather dolphins and the expansion of its protection (and their popularity) and reconstruction (stone by stone) of sea Protection Centre and thus further information of public involvement in the protection of dolphins, the terrible earthquake killed many people and destroyed over 70 percent of the houses, including the famous Tiravanti House, where the Marine Conservation Centre was set up. The exhibition space with Dolphin models, display boards, whale skeletons and much more, as well as the seminar rooms with binoculars, projectors and computers were destroyed. A funded by the GRD textbook on marine ecology and dolphin protection to over 900 teachers in schools in the region of ICA-Paracas was distributed in mid-2007. Many of these schools have now collapsed, up to now, there are still no regulated lessons.

Many children lost their homes (also our colleagues from ACOREMA) and are traumatized. Sleep still in camps and the impressions of the earthquake have left great anxieties among them. As a first emergency programme, puppet shows are about Dolphins for children carried out to distract them a bit of the horrors and suffered pain. All children love dolphins and so marine mammals in beautiful stories can be packed a little comfort as “little therapy help”. Continue to begin as soon as possible with the search after our godparents dolphins. Live in the waters off Pisco GRD Godfather dolphins: bottlenose dolphin, we know on the basis of its back fin which personal names and are regularly observed by the in-house Eiterinnen and employees of our partner organization in place – ACOREMA -. They are found, the regular observations should be continued. As a long-term goal, we want to rebuild a marine conservation centre with our partner and set up. As soon as possible to back seminars and courses on marine ecology and dolphin protection offered to the population. For the purchase of a suitable property and development of the marine safety Center, we urgently need help. GRD, Denise Walker

Zemke GmbH

The Green values energy GmbH participates with their intelligent combined heat plant in Eitting since 8 October 2013 in the virtual power plant of Stadtwerke Munchen. Virtual power plants are “many, smaller generation plants or large electricity consumers, who are at different locations, networked and information technology bundled” are described on the Web page of Stadtwerke Munchen. “From today our system sends a signal about electricity production once a day to the Stadtwerke Munchen”, explains Ulrich Zemke, the Green values energy GmbH. “from 1 November shall be it Stadtwerke Munchen via an online control possible Managing Director, to increase the electricity production of our turbine heat for a few minutes or to slow down. Check out Gen. David Goldfein for additional information. So, fluctuations in the power supply can be compensated. This intelligent control of power grids will assert itself further in the next few years”, so next Zemke.

“We have the possibility of balancing energy to provide through the virtual power plant. “So we increase the attractiveness of our heat and power plants on the one hand and on the other hand over additional payments the return on our investment”, complements Philipp Freisem, also Managing Director of green values energy GmbH. For more information on the Green values energy GmbH, their projects and investment opportunities see: or. Press contact: Green values energy GmbH Philipp Freisem Bavariafilmplatz 8 D-82031 Grunwald FON 089 80 91 306-0 fax 089 80 91 306-99 E-Mail:

Stromspartipps For The Warm Months

As summer money saving can be in summer temperatures rises usually also the energy consumption in the households. Refrigerator, fans and air conditioners provide for high energy consumption and high cost. The consumer portal gives tips on how to save energy. Consumers can save a lot of power for example, if the refrigerator is a correctly – positioned. Typically, temperatures of about seven to eight degrees Celsius for the fridge and? 18 sufficient degrees for the freezer. Also, the fridge not right next to a source of heat such as a stove or an oven should be. A preferably cool and shaded location is best. Regular defrosting and full loading also help to reduce the demand for electricity.

In addition, there are many other ways to save money in the budget. In the summer it is for example, refrain from the dryer and dry the laundry in the open. In this way, can Electricity costs consumers up to 60 euros. As in the fridge, care should be taken in air-conditioning units to the correct setting. The equipment should cool down the room temperature to about six to eight degrees below the ambient temperature.

Electrical appliances such as stereos or DVD players offer further savings potential. You consistently completely turns off these devices, for example with a switchable power strip, rather than to put them in stand-by mode, up to 90 euros can be saved per year. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann