The Sculptor

The square of that small situated city in front of the church was in party, did not fit plus nobody. It was day saint, the people if they elbowed they crossed and it anxiously, waiting the beginning of the procession. In this exactly place in other occasions, the villagers heard the proclamations of the administrator of the city, imposing severe taxes to the inhabitants, who paid with much sacrifice, cursing old alcaide, represented for one decree from there fincada to few meters. He was sculptured in white granite, for a master I officiate of it come of the great city, that for the services, did not receive no paid one, what much annoyed to it and also cursed the solicitant, in the day that was even so. thus proceeded with other people not paying correctly to the renderings of services, being the deviated money of the safes of the community, for its recondite castle, not destining resources for other workmanships, that the people deserved, for the carried through sacrifices. The city was very aprazvel, the walls surrounded that it, in medieval style, exhibited in its interior, secular constructions that shaded the few side streets, bringing enchantments perfumed in the floreiras spread under the windows, where they made you its order, to the salesmen of fruits and vegetables, that were circulating in the side streets.

But the moment was special, therefore days before, arrived a message at proco, directed for the Mayor, saying to repass to its faithful in the sunday mass, that a very good thing would go to happen, and the news would be given, before the beginning of the procession. The rumor ran borders, bringing of this form, the sculptor for the city, in the hope to receive the payment for decrees, that she was so perfect, that some said, only lacked to speak. The priest already was impatient, a time that the herald of alcaide not yet had fond, to read in that bendito parchment, that contained the notice.